News Releases And The Media

Released on = April 6, 2007, 5:27 am

Press Release Author = CHARLES GOLDIE

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = News releases and articles are becoming more and more
popular in today\'s society. Webmasters are always looking for good content for their
web pages and advertisers are always looking for people to pick up these news
documents to advertise their company.

Press Release Body = Media

With the popularity of the Internet, it appears that many of the "old-school"
marketing rules are evolving, and mostly for the better. One example of this is the
way news releases (more commonly known as press releases) are sent, distributed, and
read by consumers.

If the media didn\'t write about your press release, then nobody saw it. Then, it was
up to the media journalists to decide whether they would publish your company\'s news
or not.

Today, press releases can be distributed via the web in any number of ways,
including many low-cost or free methods available to anyone. Once it\'s out there on
the web, your press release can be viewed directly by anyone with an internet
connection and access to search engines, RSS feeds news sites, etc.

Quality interactions with the media generally lead to more quality interactions with
the media, which leads to quality interactions with potential customers.

In today\'s spam-filled email world, it\'s sometimes VERY difficult to get your news
releases and PR pitches to the media person you are trying to reach. You can include
product photos, people photos (remember to make them 300 dpi for print/ 72 dpi for
online and in various sizes, so that the media can choose which size they want to
use), bios, background information, sample chapters, and even an entire digital
book. Although it seems hard to believe, the news media are waiting for your


Your business would never be the same again. What would happen to your business if
you appeared on Oprah? News editors and publishers need content; your business needs

The hard, cold truth of the matter is that you cannot write a press release about
any old aspect of your business and have it end up on the home page of the Fortune
Small Business Web site. One woman (a business coach) gave two scholarships to a
local community college that catered to the underprivileged. Credibility - people
tend to believe you\'re good if they read that you\'re doing good things, and
especially if you\'re doing them with other well-known names Trust - your prospects
and customers develop a feeling of comfort and trust when they see you visible in
the marketplace-it confirms the intelligence of their decision to do business with
you Generate fresh content for your marketing campaigns-direct mail, website, etc.

* Copyright 2007, Charlie Goldie. You may republish this article in its entirety,
provided you leave the byline, author\'s note and website hyperlink intact.

Charlie is currently involved in affiliate marketing and has been for some time now.

HE has just recently purchased re-branding rights to a free e-book that gives people
good information before starting a home based business.

To download his e-book for free click this link:


Contact Details = Charles Goldie
Website: http//

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